kunz Tips and Tricks

Tips and Tricks

From kunz

Force viewport textures to reload

Type this command into an hscript textport (you can raise a new hscript textport window using the shortcut Alt+Shift+T).

glcache -c

Make Houdini crash

Type this command into an hscript textport and Houdini will crash.

coredump -f

Remap $HIP path

Type this command into an hscript textport to remap where $HIP paths to. This can be useful if you've moved the Houdini scene file but not everything else it was linking to.

setenv HIP = /Users/john_kunz/Downloads/

Hide nodes in the network editor

Type this command into an hscript textport to hide nodes in the network editor.

opset -e off /obj/geo1

See who created a node

Type this command into an hscript textport to reveal who created a node. Figure out who to complain to.

opstat /obj/geo1

See what version of Houdini the scene was saved with

This internal variable can be used to figure out what version of Houdini the scene was created in.


Export node information to a text file

Type this command into an hscript textport to dump node information as a plain text document. Useful if you're passing along geometry caches to another artist so they can be aware of existing groups and attributes.

opinfo /obj/grid1/subdivide1 > $HOME/Downloads/info.txt

Merge nodes from other scenes into your file

Type this command into an hscript textport.

mread -m /obj/geo1/* $HOME/Downloads/example.hip

Print all hidden nodes

The ophide command can be used to list all the legacy, depreciated and utility nodes which are hidden in the tab menu.


Unhide legacy and utility operators

Type this command into an hscript textport.

opunhide Sop tetrahedralize::2.0

Save and version up your scene

Type this command into an hscript textport.

mwrite -i $HIPFILE

Save the output data of an operator to a file

Type this command into an hscript textport.

opsave -f 1 240 -i 1 /obj/geo1/sweep1 $HOME/Downloads/sweep_$F4.obj