kunz Live 2022.08.26

Live 2022.08.26

From kunz

Samsung s22 Style Particle Rendering

2022 08 23 Karma USD Mtlx.gif

Scene File

Download the Houdini file: 2022_08_23_materialx_USD_008.hiplc


Starting with a basic FLIP simulation which spins the fluid about the origin and injects turbulence into faster moving areas, we look at techniques to light, shade and render the particles like the recent Samsung s22 campaign.

Over the course of the stream a few different compositions, lighting setups and color treatments are explored as well as PostFX color correcting and grading.

Video On Demand

  • 00:00:00 Introduction
  • 00:01:35 simulation overview
  • 00:08:40 bringing simulation cache in
  • 00:09:42 viewport settings for particles
  • 00:16:05 particle density visualized as color
  • 00:27:50 setting up cameras
  • 00:30:13 adding redshift parms for particle rendering
  • 00:31:50 preview rendering
  • 00:33:30 crop particles to camera frustum
  • 00:43:07 adding rect lights
  • 00:52:10 making particle shader
  • 01:15:25 starting another color and composition
  • 01:36:00 starting another color and composition
  • 02:04:00 wrapping up

During the live stream, I didn't connect the height to normal node properly which was causing the shading artifacts. To fix this, you can add a normal map node in between the shader connection like so.

Screenshot at 2022-09-09 14-39-32.png


You can read more about using MaterialX in Karma and Solaris here.

The MtlX Standard Surface node is based off of the Autodesk Standard Surface

For more details, see the MaterialX specification on the nodes, functionality and capabilities.

Additional Images