kunz Live 2022.09.16

Live 2022.09.16

From kunz
Revision as of 11:34, 30 November 2022 by Admin (talk | contribs)

Bismuth hopper crystal [1] patterns in nature

Iridescent Metallics



Scene File


Lot Subdivision

The Labs Lot Subdivision node is quite useful to quickly build detail to geometry.

Below are some examples of techniques using the lot subdivision node.

2022 09 11 labs lot subd.gif


2022 09 11 extract subd transforms.gif



Screen Shot 2022-11-14 at 11.20.01 AM.png

For more inspiration on how this type of workflow could be extended, check out Holden Haotian Zhang's Houdini Greeble Tool holden-haotian-zhang-finalshot-v3.jpeg

Video On Demand

  • 0:00:00 SSS random walk example render
  • 0:00:52 SOP modeling begins
  • 0:06:00 remesh to grid SOP
  • 0:07:00 VOP pattern generation
  • 0:09:00 displace mesh using VOP
  • 0:14:10 modeling the plinth
  • 0:18:20 placing the camera
  • 0:19:00 redshift render and lighting
  • 0:20:00 redshift shader building
  • 0:21:00 SSS random walk settings
  • 0:26:00 iterative displacement using for loop
  • 0:27:40 fix penetrations using detangle SOP
  • 0:47:40 add rectangle area light
  • 1:11:25 adding another rect light
  • 1:14:00 building shader for the plinth
  • 1:18:50 copying rest coordinates initial geo
  • 1:19:50 adding shader noise based on rest coords
  • 1:28:30 layering materials in the shader
  • 1:34:00 adjusting render postFX
  • 1:40:30 final render