kunz Difference between revisions of "Live 2022.09.16"

Difference between revisions of "Live 2022.09.16"

From kunz
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<embedvideo service="youtube" dimensions="960x540" urlargs="modestbranding=1&showinfo=0">https://youtu.be/a24fOktLkhU</embedvideo>
<embedvideo service="youtube" dimensions="960x540" urlargs="modestbranding=1&showinfo=0">https://youtu.be/a24fOktLkhU</embedvideo>

* 0:00:00 SSS random walk example render
* 0:00:00 introduction
* 0:00:52 SOP modeling begins
* 0:01:00 MaterialX shaderball
* 0:06:00 remesh to grid SOP
* 0:04:50 creating MaterialX shader
* 0:07:00 VOP pattern generation
* 0:05:40 adding a dome light
* 0:09:00 displace mesh using VOP
* 0:08:40 loading a .mtlx example shader
* 0:14:10 modeling the plinth
* 0:10:00 graphing the .mtlx shader
* 0:18:20 placing the camera
* 0:12:40 examine the .mtlx file text
* 0:19:00 redshift render and lighting
* 0:21:00 adjusting thin film thickness and for
* 0:20:00 redshift shader building
* 0:32:30 using noise to drive thin film
* 0:21:00 SSS random walk settings
* 0:37:00 using facing ratio to drive thin film
* 0:26:00 iterative displacement using for loop
* 0:40:00 procedural modeling in SOPs
* 0:27:40 fix penetrations using detangle SOP
* 0:41:00 find shortest path
* 0:47:40 add rectangle area light
* 0:48:00 sweeping a custom font profile
* 1:11:25 adding another rect light
* 0:53:40 applying our shader
* 1:14:00 building shader for the plinth
* 0:58:00 duplicating and instancing
* 1:18:50 copying rest coordinates initial geo
* 0:59:00 adding camera and area lights
* 1:19:50 adding shader noise based on rest coords
* 1:04:40 extending the instancing workflow
* 1:28:30 layering materials in the shader
* 1:06:50 sphere packing with vdbtospheres SOP
* 1:34:00 adjusting render postFX
* 1:15:00 rendering
* 1:40:30 final render
* 1:20:00 adjusting lights for better highlights
* 1:28:00 adding depth of field
* 1:44:00 adding physical lens shader
* 1:56:00 final render
* 1:59:00 wrapping up

Revision as of 11:46, 30 November 2022

Bismuth hopper crystal [1] patterns in nature

Iridescent Metallics




Scene File


Modeling with Find Shortest Path

The Labs Lot Subdivision node is quite useful to quickly build detail to geometry.


Screen Shot 2022-11-14 at 11.20.01 AM.png

For more inspiration on how this type of workflow could be extended, check out Holden Haotian Zhang's Houdini Greeble Tool holden-haotian-zhang-finalshot-v3.jpeg

Video On Demand

  • 0:00:00 introduction
  • 0:01:00 MaterialX shaderball
  • 0:04:50 creating MaterialX shader
  • 0:05:40 adding a dome light
  • 0:08:40 loading a .mtlx example shader
  • 0:10:00 graphing the .mtlx shader
  • 0:12:40 examine the .mtlx file text
  • 0:21:00 adjusting thin film thickness and for
  • 0:32:30 using noise to drive thin film
  • 0:37:00 using facing ratio to drive thin film
  • 0:40:00 procedural modeling in SOPs
  • 0:41:00 find shortest path
  • 0:48:00 sweeping a custom font profile
  • 0:53:40 applying our shader
  • 0:58:00 duplicating and instancing
  • 0:59:00 adding camera and area lights
  • 1:04:40 extending the instancing workflow
  • 1:06:50 sphere packing with vdbtospheres SOP
  • 1:15:00 rendering
  • 1:20:00 adjusting lights for better highlights
  • 1:28:00 adding depth of field
  • 1:44:00 adding physical lens shader
  • 1:56:00 final render
  • 1:59:00 wrapping up